Here’s the thing, did you know that all over the world, many pets tend to get sick or even suffer fatal reactions after eating human food? Some pet owners aren’t aware that the food people consume can be incredibly toxic for their pets. If you want to avoid hurting your pets and the possibility of needing loans to pay off medical bills, here are the human foods you should never feed to your pets.


This doesn’t just pertain to alcoholic beverages, however. Do be mindful of any food products that contain any traces of alcohol as this can cause tremors, difficulty breathing, decreased coordination, diarrhea, vomiting, coma, and even fatalities in pets. Should your pet accidentally ingest some, make sure you contact the vet immediately.

2.Chocolate, Caffeine, and Coffee

All three of these products are bad because they contain methylxanthines. This same substance can also be found in cacao seeds, and when ingested by pets, can cause a severe degree of reactions. The least of which includes diarrhea and vomiting, but it may also lead to seizures. While any type of chocolate can be bad, the most dangerous one for your pets is dark chocolate because it contains the highest amount of methylxanthines. While white chocolate contains very little of this substance, it is just as important to keep them away from your pets.

3.Coconut and Coconut Oil

When ingested in small amounts, coconut and coconut-based products shouldn’t be too harmful to your pet. This is why some people actually use coconut oil when cleaning their pet’s teeth. However, do note that both the milk and flesh of the coconut contain oils that can result in diarrhea. It might receive credit for being healthy, but don’t let your pet ingest it. The same goes for coconut water, which is very high in potassium and shouldn’t be given to your pet at all. Remember, just because it’s good for you, it doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on your pets.

4.Macadamia Nuts

Nuts, as a whole, can be bad for your pets. For this particular variety, the effects can be quite adverse so make sure you keep them away from their reach. Macadamia nuts can actually cause tremors, vomiting, hyperthermia, depression, and weakness in dogs. The symptoms don’t always appear quickly, either. In most cases, owners will only notice signs after 12 hours since the dog ingested the nuts. Whether you have pet insurance or not, do bring your dog to the vet or contact them immediately as soon as you notice the signs.
Other nuts that you should not feed them are walnuts, pecans, and almonds.

5.Raw or Undercooked Eggs, Meat, and Bones

You might think that raw meat and other animal parts can be good for your pets as it mimics a “wild diet”, but this isn’t the case for domesticated cats and dogs. In the same way that these can be dangerous for humans, because of the bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, these should also be avoided by pets as well. If your pets accidentally eat raw eggs, it can decrease the ability of their bodies to absorb necessary vitamins such as biotin. If you make investments in your pet’s appearance, know that a lack of biotin results in poor coat quality.
Another thing to note is that they might accidentally choke on bones since they no longer have the same ability to crush these as their wild counterparts.


This is a common sweetener for a variety of products, including baked goods, candy, gum, and even toothpaste. While it isn’t harmful to humans, it can actually increase insulin release in different animals—not just pets. This sudden increase often results in hypoglycemia, and if not treated immediately, it might progress into seizures. Other symptoms that might occur include a degree of lethargy or loss of coordination. Liver failure might happen within a few days so make sure your pet gets checked if you suspect they might have ingested Xylitol.

7.Salt and Salty Foods

One of the main reasons why human food is bad for pets is the amount of salt in it. If your pet accidentally consumes too much, you’ll find that they are excessively thirsty and will urinate frequently. It can also lead to sodium ion poisoning in some pets, which can be fatal. If you’ve ever been tempted to share your snack with them, particularly salted popcorn, pretzels, and potato chips—just say no. Doing so is great money management on your part as well since you’ll be avoiding potentially hefty medical bills.

Remember, human food is not formulated for proper pet consumption. There are certain ingredients, aside from the aforementioned, that can be really bad for them. Symptoms may not show up the first few times, but regular ingestion can affect their health significantly. To be safe, stick to pet food!
